People of Paro

Israa Nasir


We think some of the best conversations happen at the kitchen table after the plates are cleared and every good party ends up with everyone in the kitchen so we’re excited to introduce: Kitchen Table Talk. Welcome to our series where we get together with some of our favorite Paro people and dish on their favorite dishes, and what they’ve been up to in the kitchen.


Our first guest is Israa Nasir….


Any kitchen tools you can't live without? Other pantry items you can't live without?

Must have 2 excellent knives. you don't need the whole block. I'd rather have 2 excellent knives over 6 mediocre ones.

What's inspiring you at the moment?

Making complicated soups from scratch, like recipes that require roasting veggies, immersion blenders, broths, etc. I find being immersed in slow cooking has been very grounding and healing for me lately. I've also been playing around with recipes and mixing together different recipes etc (I'm not a fantastic cook but I love doing it). It's one of the few times I'm away from my phone and fully present in the activity I'm in.


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A soupy, porridge-y superfood made with spices, fiber-rich mung beans, and basmati rice.

Regular price From $10
Regular price Sale price From $10
Tarka Oil

Tarka Oil

South Asian Chili Crisp made with spices, ghee, and grapeseed oil.


Regular price From $16
Regular price Sale price From $16